Got a great cause? We love it!

Would you like to feature Indaba Coffee products at your next fundraising event? We don't blame you!

NEW! You can now nominate a non-profit for our Indaba Cares program where 10% of our First Friday sales gets donated to a local non-profit. CLICK HERE to nominate or keep reading for other requests.

To make things easy, we've developed some general guidelines we look to when working together for good.

Our main focus will be local 501(c)(3) organizations, and organizations that are near and dear to our hearts.

For raffle and auction donations we offer whole bean, gift cards, and miscellaneous Indaba branded merchandise (based on availability). Cash donations are considered on a case by case basis; according to our relationship with the organization.

To contact us about your fundraising efforts:
1.) Drop a formal request to any of our locations,
2.) Fill out the form below,
3.) Mail your request to:

Indaba Coffee Roasters
204 S. Koren Rd. Suite #900
Spokane Valley, WA. 99212
